The Walker Room,
Comeytrowe Community Hall
Pitts Close,

Fridays from 1pm to 3.30pm
£25 per term

The Brushstrokes Art Group is an untutored art group where members help each other to create beautiful works of art. Whether you are an experienced artist, or just starting out on your painting journey, there is a place for you at our group. The group is run by the members, for the members and everyone helps out in any way they can.

Regular workshops are organised for members, where experienced tutors are invited to share their knowledge of all painting media and techniques. The workshops are run at the request of members and there is always something for everyone to enjoy.

Exhibitions are organised on a regular basis to showcase the talent of the group. Everyone is encouraged to participate from beginners, to the more experienced artists.

All of this, including most of the workshops, is included in your membership fee. You can come along and give it a try and all we ask if that you pay £3 per session whilst you’re making up your mind.

Enquiries about membership to:

Chris Mattock – telephone 01823-443408 or

Una Lee telephone 01823-338506 or e-mail